BI - Competitive Advantage (& 2)

Taking again the thread of the previous post, (Competitive Advantage), the questions of law that should solve all of us which have interest in promoting the use of the BI are:

Is it or not possibly to generate a differentiated value for customers and users?

Under what requirements?

Let's imagine a successful BI's application, present in almost all the sectors and in all the continents that it has as two very similar customers in the logistic sector. The users of both companies are already obtaining in time and coherent reports. Hitherto it is business as usual, but this is the easiest part ;-) Both customers are satisfied, both have improved in relation to their previous status because of the better quality and punctuality of the information, but at a first glance it does not seem that any of them could obtain an additional competitive advantage by using the BI application, and, in case they had someone, will not the BI developer experience in the sector be helping to expand the knowledge between both of them and to equalize them?

This is a key problem, though it seems of an ethical type: the developers should state very clearly in his mission up to what point they want to share with his customers the accumulated experience of several implementations into the same sector. This aspect is not neutral, since the customers who think that their own IT systems are providing them with a competitive advantage will look for BI's companies that guarantee this ethical commitment and may be ready to pay an extra cost for it. The companies that do not guarantee this to their customers are less probable also to get access to and to be able to identify competitive advantage in the sector, and therefore using it as a commercial weapon. This is why writing down this commitment does not seem either that it could turn out to be neutral.

In the back, why not should BI's application improve its presentations and take advantage of the experience of very different companies and programs of management? Would not it benefit all the players? How to create value while at the same time settling this lack of confidence in the customer? Not to take advantage of this knowledge may place the product of BI's companies as a commodity in a few years’ time.

Under these premises, the market may evolve naturally towards the coexistence of BI's multiple suppliers, all of them of considerable size and with market in all the sectors and countries, which guarantee product maximum quality developments but also at the same time avoiding this way the problem to appear. If it goes this way, there would be enough room for new competitors as the market continues developing.

